游戏动态:lifeline攻略 lifeline生命线通关流程攻略

导读 lifeline攻略,生命线Lifeline怎么玩那?生命线Lifeline通过和主角的对话来触发剧情,其中也有不少谜题需要大家解开,这里带来通关怀得并附


lifeline攻略 lifeline生命线通关流程攻略






? Who is this?

? The Varia?

? How do you not know?

? Okay. Calm down.

? Easy, now. Just breathe.

? Okay. Where are you?

? Describe "here".

? Check the crash.

? Look for the crew.(check flight deck的话会发现受伤的船长……然而并没有什么卵用)

? Honor the dead.

? Makes sense. Keep exploring.

? Try the galley.

? Forget it for now.

? Try the lab.

? Try the galley again.

? Camp out by the reactor. (留下来会冻死……我的第一个BE,在网上做了research,结果网上有人说150的话暴露长时间会致死,我就说留下,就BE了)

? Ugh. Thanks for sharing.

? No, but thanks anyway.

? Find a way around.

? Back out of the canyon. (If he climbs, he'll fall and break bones)

? Walk the perimeter.

? Clockwise! (I don't think there is a big difference here, but still...)

? Sorry. No time to chat.

? Explore the wreckage.

? Okay. Turn back.

? Turn back while you can.

? Make Camp.

? Try one of the hallways.

? East hall.

? Take one now.

? Keep trying the galley door.

? Hook up the alarm.

? See what that noise is.

? No. Chase down that noise.

? Check out the alarm.

? "Looks like" what?

? Go get some breakfast.

? Mmmm... tasty!

? Yes, go for it!

? Build yourself a compass.

? Yes, keep going.

? Don't waste time on snacks.

? Yup. Go for it.

? Break a leg.

? Sure, take a pill.

? Lay it on me.

? Wait, tell me!

? That MUST be an illusion.

? You're sure they're yours?

? Check out the opening.

? Go through the door.

? What happened?

? Follow these... things.

? Tell me!

? Explore the computers.

? What? What is it?

? How many, total?

? Wake it up.

? What do you see?


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